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The Basics
What is MindPrint?
What skills does MindPrint assess?
How was the MindPrint Assessment developed?
Who should take MindPrint?
What is included in a MindPrint Subscription?
Does MindPrint offer different solutions by grade level?
What is the BOOST Yourself Executive Functions Course?
What professional development does MindPrint offer?
Assessment Administration
How long is the assessment?
What qualifications, if any, are needed to administer and proctor the assessment?
What type of computer set-up is required to take the assessment?
What types of questions are on the assessment? Should students prepare?
How frequently should students take the MindPrint Assessment?
How and when do I receive the results?
MindPrint in Special Populations
Are assessment accommodations available?
Does MindPrint identify gifted students?
Does MindPrint identify learning differences?
Can MindPrint be used for an IEP or 504 Plan?
MindPrint Profiles and Reports
What is the MindPrint Profile?
What is the Student Profile?
What is the MindPrint-MAP Growth Learning Plan?
What are the MindPrint Summary Reports?
Personalized Strategy Recommendations
What are learning strategies?
How does MindPrint develop its learning strategies?
How does MindPrint personalize strategy recommendations?
Using MindPrint Results
What do I do about low MindPrint skills?
Should students see their Profiles?
MindPrint For Tutoring And Test Prep
How do academic tutors and educational therapists use MindPrint?
What is the MindPrint SAT/ACT Combo Report Package?
Why is MindPrint beneficial to predicting test scores if my student has already taken an SAT or ACT diagnostic?
Technical Questions
Will MindPrint integrate with my LMS/SIS for auto-rostering and SSO?
I forgot my login/password
The test isn't loading
I can't access my students’ reports
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