Case Study: Key Data to Support Executive Function Coaching

Executive Function Coaching
Academic Support
Study Skills
Time Management

Kaizen Educational Services

Calgary, Canada

Kaizen Educational Services began using MindPrint for their 1-on-1 executive function coaching in 2017. Every student's Kaizen journey begins with a MindPrint which is core to developing a customized executive coaching plan that is certain to meet each student’s needs.

Kaizen Educational Services is a rapidly expanding executive function coaching company that provides 1-to-1 coaching for students to develop their organization, planning and time management skills. Making data-informed decisions is the cornerstone of developing an executive skills coaching plan that is customized to meet the student's individual needs. Kaizen uses the MindPrint profile to give students, parents and teachers a clear picture of the cognitive skills where a student shines and where they need support. Based on this understanding of the MindPrint results and conversations with the parent and student, the Kaizen Learning Team creates a customized plan to ensure each student's success.

Kaizen's business has grown rapidly in the years since it started using MindPrint. In addition to supporting students, Kaizen coaches train educators throughout Canada to understand and develop executive function skills in their learners. Kaizen training includes having all educators complete the MindPrint assessment. This educator experience is key to educators gaining a deeper knowledge of cognitive skills, an objective perspective on their own cognitive strengths and needs, and deeper understanding and empathy for their students' capabilities and needs.
Samantha Woods
Owner, Kaizen Educational Services
There are so many things I love about MindPrint but if I had to pick one I'd say that it's amazing how it empowers learners with data they can believe in, and without the labels!