Denair adopted MindPrint districtwide in 2021 as a response to post-pandemic concerns in achievement. They use MindPrint’s cognitive data to address broader Tier 1 needs and Individualized MindPrint-MAP Growth Learning Plans to support individual student
Denair adopted MindPrint Learning districtwide in Fall 2021. District Superintendent, Terry Metzger, led the introduction of MindPrint Learning to ensure teachers had the tools and support needed to use MAP results to effectively inform their instruction.
Every student in grades 2-12 took both the MindPrint and MAP assessments. District administrators reviewed the data from both assessments to understand why students were declining in certain grades and subjects. Teachers utilized MindPrint MAP Growth Reports to review the combined MindPrint and MAP data to identify what Tier 1 instructional approaches were most appropriate.
To address individual student needs, Denair USD used a case study approach. Teachers were asked to select one or two students who would benefit most from 1:1 support. Many teachers selected students that showed high potential on the MindPrint Profile but their MAP Scores were much lower. Teachers met in small PLCs to discuss which strategies to use for these individual students using their
MindPrint's integrated MindPrint MAP Growth reports showed teachers exactly where and how to best support individual learners within each subject area. The MindPrint personalized learning plans for each student also provided a communication tool for teachers to inform parents how best to support their child.