Case Study: Salem School District Leverages Data-Driven Insights to Target Students with High Growth Opportunities

Middle School

Salem School District

Salem, WI

Salem School District utilized the MindPrint Learning assessment to gather cognitive data on their students to understand why many students were not reaching their expected academic goals. Once ... cognitive data was available on their students, educators used these insights to target specific strengths and challenges, and scaffold instruction to help them achieve their full academic potential.


Salem School District utilized the MindPrint Learning assessment to gather cognitive data on their students to understand why many students were not reaching their expected academic goals. Once cognitive data was available on their students, educators used these insights to target specific strengths and challenges, and scaffold instruction to help them achieve their full academic potential.


At Salem School District in Wisconsin, educational leaders identified that many students did not appear to be achieving scores on NWEA MAP Growth assessments that were in line with their perceived capabilities. Salem had abundant academic and behavioral data, but did not have any data on the cognitive skills of students. With 50% of the variability in achievement and growth being attributed to cognitive skills, they needed to learn why the students were underachieving.


In 2023, Salem selected MindPrint Learning to provide a cognitive skills assessment for all 6th grade students. Prior to assessing all students, Salem educators took the MindPrint assessment to understand their own cognitive strengths and weaknesses, and how this influenced their own instructional approaches. This was a critical step to bridge instructional and learning strategies, which led to educators efficiently and effectively understanding each student’s learning profile.

The MindPrint Learning assessment gathers cognitive data in four key areas: Complex Reasoning, Executive Functions, Memory, and Processing. Salem leaders utilized the MindPrint Learning results to identify the specific areas that were particularly challenging for their sixth grade population: Verbal Reasoning, Flexible Thinking, and Verbal Memory.

MindPrint provides a report that maps the MindPrint data to the NWEA MAP Growth data, which shows “Actual” vs “Projected Performance”. This integrated report highlights opportunities where student growth can be achieved with the right strategies.

Through the integrated MindPrint and NWEA MAP Growth report, Salem was able to identify the 20% of the 6th grade students who have a high growth opportunity in Reading, and 16% in Math.

The MindPrint data, combined with academic and behavioral data, helped educators group students and tailor instruction. Targeted instruction now utilized recommended MindPrint Learning strategies to enhance Salem’s core curriculum. Teachers were able to save time by efficiently and effectively differentiating instruction.

The insights into students’ cognitive data was valuable not only to educators, but also to the students themselves. Salem educators reported seeing tremendous value in students being aware of their cognitive strengths and weaknesses, as it helped them optimize their study habits and take ownership of their academic progress.

Next Steps

Due to the powerful data and outcomes Salem educators could see with 6th grade students in the fall, Salem School District expanded their MindPrint Learning implementation with all students in grades 3-8 in the 2023-2024 school year.

Craig Velleux
Data Specialist, Salem School District
I taught to the kid that I was, but not every kid learns like I do. MindPrint made me and my teachers realize that and once they did, the buy-in was 100%

  • Grades PreK-8
  • 1,012 Students
  • 20% Minority Enrollment
  • 37% Economically Disadvantaged
  • 5:1 Student Teacher Ratio